SOTA table owners- getting upgraded

I have an older Star Sapphire version II which I bought new back in 1986 and subsequently upgraded with a III platter. In 1999 I put it into storage when moving to London and got it out earlier this year. I thought about getting a VPI Scout but ended up sending the table to SOTA to have the springs upgraded and while there, had the platter bearing replaced, the sub-chassis stiffened and dampened and purchased a Cosmos composite armboard. The motor, the original pabst, and the vacuum checked out fine.

I use the table with a SME V and a AT OC-9 cartridge. Man, what a difference these mods have made. Speed stability has improved as the hanging turntable no longer wobbles all over the place due no doubt to the new springs. The table's background noise is now so low that music comes out from a black and quiet background. Soundstaging and clarity have likewise seen substantial increases. If you have an older SOTA, I highly recommend these changes to your table.
A - I know that battery powered TT drive motors sound better than those run by normal AC current (my experience with Teres). I absolutely think that good properly matched power cords as compared to stock cords make a significant improvement to any component. If an upgraded power cord helps the pump motor, perhaps a battery powered pump might be an upgrade over AC power.
B - Did someone tell you that I received my new Schroder (since you asked within the last two weeks)? I will be happy to share my reactions about what effect the Schroder Reference has on my system's sound once I actually have a Schroder Reference. I can, if it is extremely urgent and important to you, write up a detailed review and comparison of what the Schroder does for my system before I actually get it. You must keep in mind that there may be some differences between what I think the improvements might be once I have a Schroder vs. the differences I find when I actually have a Schroder.
Please let me know how urgently you need the review so I can know if I have to start fabricating a review for you. Perhaps it would be more expedient for you to write a review of how the Schroder will sound in my system before I actually have it. This would save an enormous amount of my time and you would have your review much sooner than if you have to wait for me to receive the Schroder and write a review.
Warmest Regards,
Larry, let's not let facts get in the way of a good story. It takes all the fun out of things...
Nrchy,I am talking about the umbilical(stock is dreck)from flywheel to table,as stated!Don't ask me why this was a huge improvement on both my,and my pal's table,but it was.As for the P-300,or any good power source,for that matter.I,and my pal,have tried a load of them.Obviously,as Cello states,a battery would be nice,but I don't know of any source,without a major fabrication hassle,that does this.I can only speak from our experience.The Electronic flywheel IS sensitive to the line.I know it is marketed as a line conditioner,but I'm a bit sceptical as to how far it goes,based on A/B comparisons.I think it is really more of a "very effective" speed control.A true electronic flywheel,but not so hot in eliminating all noise,coming in with the line.

I have a dedicated line,in a private home,so opted for the Ultimate Outlet,from wall to flywheel.My pal is in an apartment bldg,so went,finally,after tons of dreck conditioners,for the P-300.This has been a "gift from God" for him.He is 22 stories up,and his lines sort of stink,but are as clear as spring water now.

As for the umbilical,my pal sourced these from a custom guy,and they were not cheap(400 each).The connectors alone were far superior,and they were made of silver.I'm not advicating the silver,but a really good umbilical(don't ask me why,I don't know,and don't care)made a really LARGE improvement in the sound on both our set-ups!I had pondered this idea for a while,but only decided to have it come into fruition after sharing the idea,and selling it to my friend,who sourced it out.I was too lazy,and he is retired.I assume any good cable guy could do an equal job.As for Kirk,as I've stated,he is concerned with keeping costs down,and feels the stock cable is sufficient.I don't blame him.I won't say the Cosmos is a steal,at it's price,but WOW can it be coaxed into some amazingly great performance,with a little fotzing around.Actually,alot of fotzing around(cords,footers,rigid,damped shelving/stand,line situation,etc).It is well worth it's asking price,based on the competition,and I really wonder how much better the high priced stuff is,in comparison.I'll bet,not alot!

Larry,I thought you said you had a dry sense of humor!You can fabricate a story for me,as long as we are in the dog days of summer.Not much doing now,so I'll read anything.Of course this all changes after Labor Day!!

Best wishes to all!
Speedy I'm going to talk to Kirk, and then if all goes according to plan, I will talk to Jim Aud at Purist Audio Design and see if he can make this cable for me. I'll let you know what I learn.

I'd be interested to learn what you find out as well.

Sirspeedy - Today I had to reposition my pump/power supply because of hum issues. I also am now using a PS Audio xSteme Statement pc on it and have removed the ground pin. Everything is now quiet.