Cable coherence - using different cables

Should using the same interconnects and speaker cables be a priority?

Can a system be put together with totally different cables and still sound superlative? Or any superlative system must use identical cables in the entire signal path?
John (Jafox), thank you.
My little experience points to identical results.
The problem with NBS Statement is its price...

May I ask if you have achieved good results mixing copper and silver cables?
The SilverAudio and CardasGoldenCross is the silver/copper combination that worked for me. But NBS Signature or Master, at good prices on Audiogon, could be a better choice all around.....but you need to try for yourself.

My speaker cables are Goertz MI-2

My interconnects from preamp to power amp are VH Audio Pulsar

My interconnects from CD to preamp are AU-24

I am quite content.