Great tube DAC's with volume control?

I may be looking to add a tubed DAC with an analog volume control sometime in the future. Don't really want to spend more than a few k.

The list:
Audio Aero Prima
Manley Reference

Anything else???
I'm really liking the the Audio Aero Prima DAC that hails in my system now. I'm only running it with a Denon 2200 DVD as a transport, but it sounds very nice. I will eventually upgrade to a top notch transport, when I find one.

Some people think the AA's highs are rolled off. To me, that certainly isn't the case. Very nice balance throughout the sonic range, and bass is surprisingly tight, natural, and impactful. Nice airy soundstage as well.

It also has two analog inputs, so I'm seriously considering not running a preamp. It's that good!

Check it out!