Which i/c Harmonix 101GP or Silversmith.

I am just finishing of my system and am looking for advice on i/c.My system is Accustic Arts drive.Harmonix Reiymo dac.
Wyetech Jade preamp,Air Tight ATM 3 monos.Avalon Arcus speakers.I use Harmonix studio master power cords.I am upgrading from the Pure Note Epsilon i/c and am looking for
some recomendations.Any help on the Harmonix or Silversmith
or any other ideas.Regards Steve
I don't have a cable recommendation, I just wanted to say that sounds like a great system and I encourage you to post some pics soon. Well done!
I have not heard the Harmonix but I have both Silversmith and Nordost Valhalla in my system. Silversmith is an outstanding cable. At less than 1/2 the price of Valhalla it is very close, with Silversmith a bit warmer with more body, very liquid, while Valhalla faster with more detail, slightly better transparency. Hope this helps.

I have the Silversmith IC and speaker cables and love them. I think the speaker cables are especially excellent(love the design without connectors of any kind). Why don't you consider both: a Harmonix IC and a Silversmith speaker cable. Enjoy listening.