hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?

What is the difference ? Is it really worth ten times the price to get hospital grade receptacles ? Why ?
Is one brand really superior to another? Is Pass &
Seymore a good brand ? Hubble better ?
I am setting up a closet to house my mid-fi gear and
will be running two dedicated 20A. lines to run the
2-channel audio and the home entertainment equipment. I
will have two double (2 duplex receptacles) on each 20A
Thank you in advance.
By the way, Hdm, I really didn't answer you properly last night. The "$50 multimeter" was for verifying that the resistance of properly functioning conventional power cords and outlets are essentially zero. My comment that a more sophisticated instrument would be necessary for determining the improvement due to cryogenics was because I believe whatever improvement there might be will be below the resolution of a typical multimeter, and that's because the resistance of the cord or outlet starts out so low to begin with. I'm sorry my statements appeared contradictory, but I think they are relatively clear if you read closely, rather than just be poised and ready to attack. Are we really supposed to believe that differences in current of far less than 1% make a difference? Never mind, that's a rhetorical question.
Boa2, to answer your last question first, I am having fun, but I'm not looking for a fight. Not one bit. I just like a debate, perhaps too much. The reason I answered Saki70 had nothing to do with hospital-grade outlets, it was because some people were saying that outlets sound significantly different, so I asked why. I also gave my opinions that there were no differences, and that the reason there were no differences was because there were no measurable differences. While I haven't A/B'd outlets, I have done so for power cords, heard no difference (of course I didn't expect to - is that a problem?), and postulated that if power cords made no difference certainly outlets wouldn't. The conversation went downhill from there.

Doesn't "the community" allow a diversity of opinions? Or is that diversity only allowed to fall into the very narrow range of people that are willing to wish differences into existence?
The community has no problem with debate, but it tends not to like dogmatism. Irv you still haven't answered by 'sciencentific proof' questions.
Albert, I will think of you every time I look at a picture of a TI product. I am very sorry that you view this discussion as an attack.

There is a person I've seen newsgroup postings from that has a really cool quote in his sig. It says "music is art, audio is engineering". I often don't agree with that person, but you can't argue with that sig quote.

And by the way, Albert, not only do you need a lesson in physics, but in reading. I never said I had a degree in physics, I suggested that someone in this thread get one. Was that you? I can't remember. The suggestion still stands... of course, alas, that may not help. If I remember correctly, the seminal work in the speaker-cables-sound-different field was done in Stereophile by Dick Olsher, and I think he is/was a physicist at Los Alamos. In your case I just happen to think a little knowledge might make you more open-minded.

I myself have a strong inclination for debate. In fact, I tried to bury my wife one too many times with her own words, and thankfully I stopped when she called my attention to it.

In answer to your question, of course the community welcomes a diversity of opinions. I believe that ojections arose when your contentions rang not of opinion but rather as indisputable fact. And while I'm sure that no one here has an issue with you having long settled this issue in your mind, your posts damned the validity of other people's opinions. At least that's how they read to me. My only request is that you add a dash of curiosity to your obviously profound knowledge and enthusiasm for science, in which case I have no doubt that we would all benefit immensely.
All the best,