PC for Brsyton 4B SST

I just recently purchased a Bryston amp and I'm considering PC for it. My budget is limited so nothing very expensive. I already have a TG Audio SLVR on my CDP with good effect but want to know what else is there.

So far Michael Wolff gain cord is one contender along with TG Audio. What other cables would you guys suggest.

Many Thanks


I agree with you about the power conditioner.

My reciever is for now operating for both 2/ch and HT duties.

Yes it is correct when the reciever is not connected to the amp and both are turned on there is only a slight hiss. The hiss does not increase with the volume a good thing right.

With the reciever and amp connected and both turned on the buzz returns. It also returns when my amp is taken out of the loop and the reciever running the whole show.

You mentioned the use of a wire can you give me any suggestions.

I have a better repore with another store a different one but I haven't asked them. Next time I visit them I will.

Tommorow I will call Bryston and find out about a ground screw and I'll try the same with Nad.
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Unfortunately I bought the amp from a fellow Audiogoner.

Yes the amp is for amplifying the Lt and Rt channels. It might take some doing in obtaining a loaner piece of any kind, but I'll try nonetheless.

What would it mean if I try the wire test and the buzzing goes away or stays the same.
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