Mac sound quality

I'm using the new IMac , burning my CDs in AIFF . Its hooked up to an audio grade power conditioner , power cord and run to a Levinson #360S dac from the digital out through a audio grade digital cable . The sound quality is not nearly as good as my mid fi CD player . Iv'e read many posts saying this type of hard drive is far better than good quality CD players , too many posts to disregard . What am I doing wrong , the other posters were down loading , but can there be that much difference ?
The optical out on the Mac isn't the best way to go. Rather then spend a lot, I went with a M2Tech hiface with the BNC fitting. I run that from a powered hub, and use a apogee BNC cable to the Levinson. Use one of the many software players and it sounds very very good! Oh and I attenuate the line by 12db...
Here's the solution: use Mac for what is intended to be used as -- a computer for data management, email and Internet access. Neither they not PC's are ready-for-prime-time as music sources. Eliminate the headaches with JRiver, MM, etc., midi settings, additional software like Amarro or Pure Music, etc., firewire or USB cables, external HDD's, blah blah blah. Get yourself a good CDP or decent transport and DAC and relax and enjoy.

Come back in 2-3 years when they have it all sorted out, if ever. Don't forget, this hobby is supposed to be fun, not a teeth-gnashing exercise.


Absolutely support what Nglazer says. PC Audio is nothing, but a nightmare waiting for the wheels to fall off. Lazy
Manufacturer's Format (Tool) for elimination of Customer
Support to maximize Corporate Profit. Like the CEO in
ROBOCOP says, "Who cares if it (PC Audio) doesn't work
(Half the Time)! It would be nice to hold CDP Manufacturer's feet to the fire if anything goes wrong from
Manufacturer's End, once again. Remember those days? You
also don't have to be a Rocket Scientist just to be able to listen to your Music! Convenient my *#!*#! A__!
Apple computers have been used in professional audio recording environments for more than 20 years. Apparently some people can figure it out, some even did way back in the last century.
Ah, Pettyofficer seems to have a fellow traveler in Nglazer.

We've got a movement here! :)