Absolutely support what Nglazer says. PC Audio is nothing, but a nightmare waiting for the wheels to fall off. Lazy
Manufacturer's Format (Tool) for elimination of Customer
Support to maximize Corporate Profit. Like the CEO in
ROBOCOP says, "Who cares if it (PC Audio) doesn't work
(Half the Time)! It would be nice to hold CDP Manufacturer's feet to the fire if anything goes wrong from
Manufacturer's End, once again. Remember those days? You
also don't have to be a Rocket Scientist just to be able to listen to your Music! Convenient my *#!*#! A__!
Manufacturer's Format (Tool) for elimination of Customer
Support to maximize Corporate Profit. Like the CEO in
ROBOCOP says, "Who cares if it (PC Audio) doesn't work
(Half the Time)! It would be nice to hold CDP Manufacturer's feet to the fire if anything goes wrong from
Manufacturer's End, once again. Remember those days? You
also don't have to be a Rocket Scientist just to be able to listen to your Music! Convenient my *#!*#! A__!