Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
I would really like to know what the differences were between the Accuphase and the Capitole. I want something to hook directly to an amp and am dying to buy something. HELP!

Yeah Tim, I'm not that important either. I have been waiting prepaid for 3 months, but I guess a couple more weeks can't hurt at this point. My dealer got his and he said that out of the box it was not really that impressive, but within about 5 hours of playing it had changed a lot and he was really excited about how it was sounding, he said that the top end is better than he thought red book CD would ever be capable of, and that the bass was really awesome too.
I received mine yesterday (Monday) and it sounded OK right out of the box. I have a MKI and so far I like the MKI the best. Now the MKI was broken in and I was use to the sound. The MKII has more detail but is missing some of the magic as well as the bass. I have been running it overnight so I'm looking for it to break in in a few days and really come to life. I'm running mine directly into a pair of Atma-Sphere amps.
Interesting that people have such different impressions of the bass. I'm in Lakefrontroad's camp, find it very pronounced perhaps overly so just out of the box. Also find it a bit harsh at the high end compared to my MkI.

Running it 24/7 and will probably try it again tomorrow night when it will have had 4 days of burn-in (the manual says 3 weeks!).

One improvement, IMHO, is the sliding top drawer, better looking with a more substantial feel.
hi Guys, since my dealer knew i had the Linn CD-12 to keep me company, my AAC v.2 is in the 2nd (or 3rd) batch....i'm told it hasn't shipped to me yet. with all the folks that have been "doing without" i guess that's only fair.

it is interesting to hear the differing first impressions.

my CD-12 is just sitting there itching for a fight.....