Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
Interesting that people have such different impressions of the bass. I'm in Lakefrontroad's camp, find it very pronounced perhaps overly so just out of the box. Also find it a bit harsh at the high end compared to my MkI.

Running it 24/7 and will probably try it again tomorrow night when it will have had 4 days of burn-in (the manual says 3 weeks!).

One improvement, IMHO, is the sliding top drawer, better looking with a more substantial feel.
hi Guys, since my dealer knew i had the Linn CD-12 to keep me company, my AAC v.2 is in the 2nd (or 3rd) batch....i'm told it hasn't shipped to me yet. with all the folks that have been "doing without" i guess that's only fair.

it is interesting to hear the differing first impressions.

my CD-12 is just sitting there itching for a fight.....
Yes it is funny how the impression of the Cd player varies. Hey but that what makes this hobby so fun right? Like you the drawer is a major improvement. I now wish they would address the remote. To me there is no way a player of this price and sound should come with a 5.00 plastic remote. Yes I know it doesn't matter to some people but its kinda of like buying a BMW M5 with hubcaps.
Bryans: Please tell me more...Despite the fact that the remote is plastic, how is it functionality? Does it work correctly and have a LED screen or is it just push button?

Folks, keep those comments coming. I'm also interested how your opinions change as the player breaks-in.

I guess it's only fair that I share some of my first impressions. Tighter bass than the MK I, but still carries the same weight. The high end is definitely extended giving the player a more open sound than the MK I. And, after running 24/7 since Monday, I still find the high end a little harsh as compared to the MK I. I think it may sound a little bit more clinical than the MK I, which I certainly hope will disappear as it breaks-in. Also running it direct to either a Plinius SA-250 or Quicksilver V4's.

I also like the new drawer cover. I too can't imagine that these guys could bring themselves to ship such a "cheezy" remote with a player of this caliber. It's plastic, push-button without any LCD. The good news is that it actually works. I've been waiting 21 days shy of a year to be able to directly access track 10. Anyone who has owned their MK I for a while knows what I'm talking about (the original remote).

Some other observations. I've noticed that I need to be in the range of "8 blocks" (out of 10 total) worth of volume to equal about 11 o'clock on the MK I. I also noticed a ground loop a soon as I plugged this thing in. The MK I was/is fine. Different amps, interconnects, AC cords, outlets.......still there. Popping when switching out of MUTE which could be associated with the ground loop. Anyone else have comments on these observations?

Many thanks to everyone who's participating in this forum discussion thus far.