Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
Just talked to the manufacturer. Apparently there has been a rather important software update to the reading of the TOC and the transport / DAC interface in general. You can tell which version you have when the player reads the CD : if it says "Reading CD TOC", then you have the earlier version. The latest version just says "Reading CD". So if you are experiencing the problem i have had (which is a known problem) or some other glitches, then just bring the unit to your dealer and he will do the software update.

I have been following this thread with great interest . It seems in audio that the next upgrade is all ways suppose to be better , it certainly is more expensive is it not? For almost $9000.00 I would expect this player to have no problems but from the feedback this is not apparently true. They delayed this player because they were having problems at the factory now they are having known problems in the field.Playing following the leader can get you into trouble sometimes, the Audio Aero MK1 was a well respected player I hope for everybodys sake who bought the MK2 everything turns out okay. The question is, is the Mk2 really that much better than the Mk1 for the price differance and the reliability factor? I was thinking of buying a Audio Aero player but the delay was to long I am happy with the EMC-1
Badwisdom, do you know which Phillips mechanism it uses? Pro 12 etc. I am surprised about them telling you it won't read any hybrid discs.
The new chip is suppose to repair all these problems discussed in this thread.I should have it today as I want to replace them in all the pieces I have in stock before letting them go.This player is even better than the MKI and other than these glitches already mentioned,it will not dissapoint.
I'm in Italy and own my Capitole mk2 since first days of june. I like to say for the ones that are waiting for it that my unit doesn't have ANY of the problems here mentioned, it's a wonderful "music machine". I would like to know from other owners which pc they are using.