Kimber MonocleXL vs MonocleX

Hi All,

I am busy looking for new speaker cables and my mind is set on either the Kimber MonocleXL or the Kimber MonocleX. Of course, the only limiting factor will be the price. I would thus like to know if there is a major difference between the two? Has anyone done a comparison between them?

They are going to be used between and Electrocompaniet ECI-3 amplifier and Gallo Reference III speakers. Please note that these will only be used for now on the 'speaker-in' input of the Gallo Ref III's. I will get separate speaker cables for the sub-in when the SA amp comes out. The 'speaker-in' however is not only mids/highs, it is of course full range.

Do you guys think there will be much difference (sonically) between the MonocleX and MonocleXL?

On kimners site there is a review comparing Bi focal Xl to Bifocal X I believe the differences would translate to the Monocle.
I would save my money and go for something in the Select line. I have seen a few pairs of the 3033's list here on Audiogon for less than $1k. I started with the 3033's and have upgraded to the 3035's, big step up. I know that right now there are a couple of pairs of 3033's listed here on Audiogon. I know that you said you are pretty well set on the Monocle cables, but IMO you might be happier with the Select 3033's.
Hi There,

It is really a question of price. Living in South Africa I need to factor in issues such as shipping costs, high exchange rates and import duties. My budget will unforunately not allow me to go for a pair of Selects. In the future however that would be the next step up obviously, but for now the Monocle X\XL's are within the budget (also used/demo). Are there any other cables you could suggest within the same price range as used Monocle's?

The Acoustic Zen Satori is also a good choice and you might be able to get the AZ's cheaper than the Kimber's.