How long does cable technology take to 'turn'?

Every couple of weeks I think I know it all again, then I hear something which redefines everything.
Such is the case with the Acoustic Zen Audio Cables.
A long time Kimber Kable fan, (and still am) I gladly and gratefully give a full nod to Robert Lee and his Shotgun cables, as being the current best on the market for an even semi realistically priced cable.
This find was by accident really; I bought a new entertainment center and needed longer cables so I decided to update my thinking.
Last year at CES I put together a consortium of high end manufacturers in order to make a big splash in a ballroom, (versus a small room like everyone else), for a speaker manufacturer, featuring some of the best equipment available. I selected, VAC, and the well respected Kevin Hayes, PS Audio's power conditioner, Chris Huston was there to record Misty River each night for a "Live vs. Recorded" face off, Oracle's Jacques Reindeau and, of course, Robert Lee's Acoustic Zen.
During the show I got to know him as much as such a venue will allow, and found him to be straight forward, prefering science and technology over emperical opinion.
His cables did nothing to draw attention to themselves, even though in show circumstance, that is not always the case.
Last week I asked him to send me the "Shotgun" for appraisal, he did and here we are.
The cables, (I am using my own speaker design, which has bi wiring capabilities) replaced two pairs of Kimber Select 3035's. The difference was startling.
Better high frequency openness and clarity without a hint of sibilance, better bass definition without any bloat so common to some cables.
The midrange was right, as opposed to forward and overblown.
So the question is: How long do we hold on to current cables before we decide that last year's fav's are this year's also ran's?
Break in, a little appreciated or understood concept...Some four days later these cables are more natural and smoother,I wonder if anyone, including Robert Lee would hazzard a scientific guess. My inclination is to think that, in part one becomes 'used to' the sound, and compensates for the differences.
Another, more esoteric look tells me that the cable really does have to ' break in' in the sense that audiophiles rail on about.
I only know what I think I hear, which is, a more (subjectively) 'natural' sound. Sibilance, my bane of existance, is almost non existant, even though the high frequencies are much more prominent, and clarity is greater than before. The bass, which is subjectively 'bigger' than before, still is not over big or wrong sounding.
I am really impressed, and only wish that more people could afford this product--or at least would budget the money it takes to have this cable in their system.
Dean Martin live in Vegas, is very telling. One can actually hear a woman in the kitchen, yelling at a co worker, something not as obvious before. Trust me, I know this album like the back of my hand, and hearing this after hundreds of listens, is not simply a "you heard it because you listened again". I have scrutinized this album ad nauseumm and this information was not there in this focus or clarity before. God, this is fun for me.
Robert, if you're out there, please tell us why your cables are so much fun, so clear, and more musical--I am sure most of us would like to know.
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Whay are there so many manufacturers/fabricators
The entry price is very low -- all you need to start, basically, is wire, solder, an iron, connectors and some good ideas.
We assume you have a system already!

This doesn't guarantee you will be sustainable though -- but the trial losses are minimal.
I feel cable technology has taken a step forward with the introduction of the Eichmann products.
This is a totally new approach to connector design.
I recently purchaced a RS Audio Cables ILLUME' silver braided interconnect with silver Eichmann plugs (RCA's)
I believe the combination of the fine silver wire RS Audio Cables uses and the Eichmann silver plugs makes this cable a steal and has beat out cables I have owned at 2-3 times the price.
The silver Eichmann plugs are $25/each and copper plugs $10/each.
They are reportedly very easy to install on existing interconnects.
Eichmann also sells bananas with the same new approach to connector design.