Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
I believe standby mode in tube amps usually refers to removal of high voltage to the plate and screen/control grids. The heater usually remains on which is the visible glow you see. You have the benefit of thermal stability without the degradation caused by high voltage stress.
Thanks for the response, Lwatson! If the heater remains on, couldn't that also fail prematurely due to it's constant 'on' state in standby? Or, in other words, does the 10,000 hours of tube life refer to 10,000 hours of actual use (ie, while actualy listening to the unit)?
Louisl: I understand that the 10,000hrs refer to the duration the unit is powered on (the back switch), irrespective of whether it is playing music or not. If you read the manual carefully, it mentions somewhere that if the unit is not in use for a long time, to maximise the tube's lifetime, the unit should be powered off.
I suggest that you send an e-mail to Mr Combelles and ask him if the tube can be replaced by the user, and let us know.
Lall: I don't know who Mr. Combelles is (perhaps you could let me know), however, I have emailed Darrell (above - he says he is the guy who services Audio Aero), and here is his response:

If you plan to not use the unit for a week or more definitely turn it off. As far as the tube life, they should really last at least 2 years. I've only had to replace one tube in a MK1 and that tube had a slight hum in it, otherwise there have been no others that needed a tube replaced.
I don't recommend trying to replace a tube yourself because if you don't do it carefully you can damage: the tube, the pc board, and melt wires.

So, it appears that the tube is soldered (I understand that this was not the case with the original Capitole, ie pre 24/192)and, as Darrell states, he does not 'recommend trying to replace a tube yourself'. It seems to me that this should have been covered in the owner's manual.
I have emailed him back asking where I should send the unit for tube replacement. When I hear back, I will post an update.
Louisl: Jean Paul Combelles is the sales manager of Audio Aero company and is the key person behind all sales/problems/issues of Audio Aero. His e-mail is:
Best luck