Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
hello what's the secret combination to getting a Mark 2 to send the data read off the CD through the digital output connection[bnc] so it can feed my digital converter? Why didn't they make the bnc output a coax connection? I have the correct digital cable with the correct ends just not getting sound output from the digital converter? Help please or I may have to shoot the player. Where are my bullets anyway?
Are you asking to get a digital output from a playing CD on the MKII ?.. didn't know that was possible, I thought only the Digital input of whatever other source is upsampled and then outputted via the BNC digital output..

BNC is used because its the best connection(I believe).
BNC is also certified to accepts and send digital audio conforming to the 75Ω S/PDIF digital interface standards and it offers the best and most secure connection. More equipment should have BNC as standard IMHO.

BTW, you can also get at your local Rat Shack gold BNC to RCA plugs.(adapter)


the Capitol Mark 2 does indeed output the digital information read by the transport via the bnc digital output jack[The only digital output on the Capitol].You don't need to access the menus to change anything just connect the appropriate digital cable between the player and your digital converter.
Are there differances is COAX (RCA Digital) Cables? i shall soon be running my DVD Player through my Capitole and I would appreciate any input.
Golly, no replies! It looks like Audio Aero has the problems "licked" with the latest batch. (And since no one has reported new problems with new posts, I kinda' wonder why you're dredging this OLD posting up again??? Give it a rest Lall; you wouldn't want to make people think you have an agenda here, would you?)
I hear that Globe/Audio Aero are doing whatever is necessary to take care of the owners of players that were issued previously. There were software-related problems, which is quite common and easily corrected with new chips, etc. The problems in many players were related to shipping damage (I think we can all relate to that!) and Audio Aero has made improvements in design to compensate for gorilla abuse.