Why are there so many Stealth Indra for sale now

If it was the best thing then why many people are dumping it? even dumping 2 pairs?
People find it over priced or out performed by some other cables?
I agree with Nrchy...these "why are there so many such & suches for sale" questions really don't say much. Are you looking for someone to say "because xyz sucks"?

I guess that the reason that you don't see many "My First Sony's" for sale. They must be so good that no one would ever think of selling theirs.
Ellery 911 has a good point:

Perhaps these threads should be titled:

"Do you think XXX Brand Sucks?"

People sell for a thousand reasons...but I think what you really want to know is "Does the Indra Suck"?

Am I wrong?
I'm afraid I have to side with Nrchy on this one. There seems to be an inordinant number of posts of this type popping up lately, to which the only logical answer is: "Who knows?"

Better yet, who cares? More for me!!!

All kidding aside, I think Dan hit the nail on the head. A better question might be: "Is there something wrong with x?"
Why so many Sony Dvp-s7700 dvd players?
Why so many Sony SCD-1's?


There's really not that many Indra's up, compared to the 2 items I see a lot of above.
Nrchy, that's cold (albeit true).

BTW, why are there so many Klyne's for sale on AudiogoN right now? Oh.....wait.......never mind.

Frank, go listen to your Janus.....NOW!