The life expectancy of your cabling may be dramatically, and abruptly shortened, if that new wireless system that was advertised on A/gon a few weeks ago takes hold.
I believe that it is a digital transmitter/receiver set up, operating in the 2.4 gig range.
This is the second time I've seen it, I think it's mfged by some tech company on the Pacific Rim. They are supposed to be displaying at the CES
I'll bet it won't be the guys who adapt to it first ( because of the sound quality), but the ladies because of its WAF appeal
I can see it now.... you come home from a hard day at the office, and your significant other greets you with...."Hi honey I threw out your (10k Transparent Ref's) cables and replaced them with these neat little black boxes
URGE TO KILL....bear in mind that ANGER is one letter away from DANGER
I believe that it is a digital transmitter/receiver set up, operating in the 2.4 gig range.
This is the second time I've seen it, I think it's mfged by some tech company on the Pacific Rim. They are supposed to be displaying at the CES
I'll bet it won't be the guys who adapt to it first ( because of the sound quality), but the ladies because of its WAF appeal
I can see it now.... you come home from a hard day at the office, and your significant other greets you with...."Hi honey I threw out your (10k Transparent Ref's) cables and replaced them with these neat little black boxes
URGE TO KILL....bear in mind that ANGER is one letter away from DANGER