Detailed Look at Cary Audio 306/200 CD Player

Thought Cary 306/200 owners and fans might enjoy taking a tour of the inside of a 306/200 courtesy of Abe Collins:

Once you reach Abe's page, click "next" to advance tour.
KF-I did use the stock cord when auditioning the Ayre, but I've also been using the stock cord with the Cary. Still like the Cary, but I understand your points. The guy who sold me the Cary speaks volumes about the neccessity of a PC upgrade. He's suggested the Elrod for the Cary. I hope to audition it soon. At some point, I'll plan to grab the Ayre for another head to head.

And yes, you are a fanatic, but if I decide to keep, and eventually pay for that expensive PC, I'll consider myself one too.
I have tried a lot of power cords and interconnects with the Cary 306/200 and find the FIM Gold AC power cord and Quattro Fil interconnects work best in my system (Cat Ultimate MKII preamp, Cary CAD 280 V-12 200w Monoblocks and Piega P-10 loudspeakers with a Rel Storm subwoofer. Not even an NBS Statement AC cord or the Nordost Valkjra interconnects did as well. The FIM Gold adds transient speed and heft while removing a touch of congestion and providing more soundstage depth and air and the Quattro Fil helps in some of these same regards, while not impeding others.