Digital Front End.. help please

Wondering if anyone can offer some opinions on an upgraded digital front end:

My priorities include: lush sound, something analogue-like, wide soundstage, deep tones, warmth over detail

--i'm mating this future front end with ML Aerius i, VTL IT85 (new, and i am totally in love with this integrated!!)

--i think DAC/transport is the way to go, both for best sound, and for future upgradability (am i wrong here?)

--i don't think upsampling, etc, is what i'm looking for; audionote dacs are currently at the top of my list

--i don't have any opinions on transports; haven't really found anything that stands out; some models i've been pondering are: audionote CDT1, CEC TL2, mark levinson 37, vecteur D-2

i could buy an audionote dac 1.1x sig/cdt1 combo, along with cables, for about 4K new. but i really am not in a hurry, and would be willing to buy used. i think i could get more for my money if i did, but i'm nervous about buying used.

your opinion on a good transport to match an audionote dac would be great. cables to match the two would be great too. guess i'm looking at the 1.1x up to the 3.1x... wondering what my money gets me as i move up. maybe the 1.1x will be great!, and i can save to upgrade till later? can i get away with a great transport used for under 1K?

thanks everyone...
Audio Aero Capitole Mk 2. No need for anything else. If you're against upsampling, go for a Zanden 16/44 DAC and a ML37 transport, but honestly, with the Capitole, whats the point ?

I'd recommend a Sony SCD-777ES with the VTS mod that by-passes the DACs and replaces the op-amp based analogue output circuit with fully descrete and independently powered circuit. Used units go for circa $1300-1700 and the mod is $650 (or $1250 if you want fully balanced outputs). The mod involves adding new RCA outputs for the new circuit and does not in any way affect the stock circuit, so you can easily and conveniently A/B test.

For more information on the mod, see:

P.S. I have nothing to do with this company except that I am a satisfied customer.
the audio aero is kind of expensive for me... i think it lists for almost 9K. i'll keep my eye out for a used first generation, but i still think that's going to be pushin it. i kind of wanted to find a setup for 2.5K or less....

what about transports, any suggestions?

What about the AeroPrima? i could get a new one for a good price... under 2K. would this be somewhat similar to the capitole? do you think the prima would be better than an audionote or zanden dac?
.... and now have an opportunity to get a sonic frontiers processor 3, with jitter reducing box, and cables, for 2.5K... (isn't sonic frontiers out of business? would this be hard to service?)