Big Difference With New Source?

I am considering upgrading to a new cd player. My modest system has slowly come together and at this point I figure the cd source is the weakest link. Currently I have a NAD 541 w/hdcd. I am considering players in the $2k range from Linn, Cary, Rega, Naim among others. My question: What differences am I going to notice compared to my $500 player. Will there be a major, dramatic improvement or will the changes be more subtle. (Will I have to concentrate to hear the difference?) I would appreciate your opinion. --------PatrickSYSTEM: Bryston 3bst
VTL tube preamp
B&W CDM1nt
NAD 541 cd
Absolutely! the Rega Planet/2000 (or for a few more bucks) consider the Classe CDP.3 are much better than the NAD. Your system is quite good. A better CD player (the one's listed)excell in layering, dimensionality and realism. There is a coherency to the music that makes it sound that more real, engaging and accessible. Ensure that you have very good IC and speaker wire. AC Power cords are also very important. Try Kimber PK-14/PK-10 or XLO PL-1500 power cords(both approx. $150-$200ea.)
Your equipment is able to perform to a high level of virtuosity --give it a quality CDP and cords and you will be surprised at the level of performance attainable....

peter jasz
What loudspeakers are you guys using? I have found big improvements with CDP (in dealer showrooms) on Thiel 1.5 (Linn Genki to Meridian 508.24) and Revel M20 (Marantz 5 disc changer to Musical Fidelity 24/192 DAC) speakers. But I notice extremely small difference on B&W Nautilus 804's and ProAc 2.5's (Planet to Cary 303/100).
My guess is that "detail demon" speakers like Thiel have the resolution to make CDP differences obvious. But if the speaker doesn't have the resolution then it can't bring out what the CDP is doing. The chain is as strong as the weakest link and no sense upgrading the CDP if the speakers can't make use of it.

Has anyone else ever noticed this? I've never seen it mentioned before.

Another option is to listen to CDP through headphones. Although I have not tried, it is supposed to be more revealing than playing through speakers in a room.

My experience is very similar to yours. A few months ago, I got the bug and up-graded my speakers to Talon Audio Khites. The result was I had to follow that by up-grading to a CD Transport and DAC, from an "all in one box" high end DVD player because, the speakers allowed me to listen to detail for the first time, and it was not good. With the transport & DAC (Levinson #37, Chord DAC 64), the speakers are able to resolve detail like the dying of a single string, that adds an unbelievable ammount to my listening enjoyment.

Before the up-grades, I found it very tireing to listen to Bach (sounded like piano lessons), now , Bach is on my system as often as Blues which is my first love. I even like jazz now!

Regarding the headphones, I take my Senn 600's, Headroom Cosmic Amp, and favorite CD's with me whenever I audition equipment.

Ptm: In short, yes, the CDP will make a huge difference but only if your speakers allow you to hear it.
This is kinda off topic, but I completely agree with Sean as far as the EVS Millenium DAC 2 goes. Like Sean, I was also suffering from a buzz problem. I assumed it was the DAC, but I really didn't want to part with mine. After nearly a year of frustrations and searching I discovered that the buzz was caused by a bad connection in my amp. The DAC was the only component that reacted with the bad connection...the system was silent when the DAC was unplugged. My amp's connections was fixed and the buzz is now gone. Yep...that DAC will find any problem in a system. And I also agree with him about the transport...I've noticed every single transport or cable change. I've been using my old Studer A727 CDP as a transport. It's pretty old (late 80s??) so I assumed it would have loads of jitter, but I've preferred it to every other CDP or DVD I've tried. I recently bought one of Ric's modded Sony transports (used) and I can't wait to hear it. If it's half as good as the DAC I'll die a happy man (preferably in 50 years, or more). And Tim is very right...listening is a learning process. The more you listen consciously, the more differences you begin to notice. In the end, I think I'd take Consttraveler's approach. You may not notice as much of a difference between CDPs with your system, buy a new player, and later you might upgrade speakers and realize that you don't care for the new player. Although I suppose you could always buy speakers that work best with your CDP. Oh well...six of one, half a doze of another. Good luck!