Best CD Player for under $5,000

I am currently using a Yamaha s2300 Universal Player into
a Proceed AVP2 Pre/Pro. I am getting pretty good sound,
but I suspect I can get better sound from my CD's with a
better CD player. I've seen a lot of enthusiasm for the
the Musical Fidelity NuVista 3D, the Linn Ikemi, and Wadia.

A Proceed PMDT might have some synergy with the AVP2
and it also plays DVD's, but I have heard mixed reviews
on this piece and I am pretty happy with the Yamaha DVD
Player [Which will also play SACD's and DVD-A's if I ever
get any]. Any experience and/or opinions with the PMDT
will be appreciated.

I don't want to buy anything unless it will seriously kick
the Yamaha s2300's tail sonically on redbook CD's, I am
willing to spend up to $5,000, and I am willing to buy used
to get higher quality for less money.



Thanks for the helpful responses.

I've been surfing around and I see that Linn is coming
out with a Universal Player [A player that will play
DVD, DC, SACD, DVD-A, and all of the rest]. It is called
a Unidisk 1.1.

I've made a list of your suggestions and I will also keep
an eye on the "pipeline."

Along with suggestions, if possible, I like to hear what people like about their particular CD players, or ones they've heard.


Warren, I agree with what I think you're trying to say: that you don't have to spend $5000 any longer to get a player comparable to the Cary 306/200. However, a slightly used 306/200 can be had on this site for a little under $3000, which is about what I paid.
Back to Rsbeck's new question regarding likes/dislikes of indiivdual players. The Cary is an extremely fast player with tons of midrange. Voices sound incredible, upper treble is decent and bass is powerful, yet not as tight as-lets say-the new Ayre player. However, the Ayre does not have the speed of the Cary, it actually sounds slow in comparison. According to the Positive Feedback folks, the Resolution Audio Opus 21 player sounds better when compared to the Cary and costs $3500 factory direct with 30 day trial period.
Disclaimer: I am a Xindak dealer

Rob...I forgot to mention one player that you OWE it to yourself to at least look into (you could save yourself a LOT of money). That player is the Xindak SCD-2 (CD/SACD). The retail price is $1695 and I guarantee you that it will outperform ANY player $4000 and under. I realize that this is a strong statement, but it really is a special product.

I would be happy to send you a unit to try out for 14 days, with absolutely NO risk to you. If you decide not to keep the unit, you will only be out the shipping costs.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio