Clean and thin sounding interconnect?

I am looking for "Mr. Clean", an interconnect that would be totally transparent, no smoothness added, not harshness in the treble, just a very neutral cable. If it has to have some character, I'd rather have it thin in the bass and lower medium. Price range: up to $300-400 used for 1m (0.5m would do)
I have had very good luck with E-ticketcables. The price is cheap, and the sound is excellent. Best money I have ever spent.
I have just changed to the Silent Audio Apollo A. It will fit your budget with a lot left over for music. The most detail that I have ever heard.
(I use them in a $60K+ system)

They are available on this website from the manufacturer.

Regarding Wellfed's comment ... I think you will love them too. But jeez, they are not "clean and thin" sounding in my system!
