Toslink vs. RCA

In virtually every review of DACs and jitter reduction devices, RCA seems to be better than TOSLINK for the transmission of S/PDIF. This seems strange to me considering that a whole host of nasties like EMI and transmission line effects can be eliminated with optical transmission. Does anyone know why RCA is better?
While I'm certain that there are differences, I am skeptical as to whether or not the average audiofool can delineate between the two formats.

Try to set up a double-blind comparison. I did, and I couldn't distinguish between Toslink and RCA. The only format that made an audible difference was AES/EBU. Even that was very minor, though.

I wouldn't spend too much time or money fiddling with this issue. Life's too short, and there's a lot of music out there to be heard. Ciao!
Gthrush1 is right that there is a lot of music worth a listen, but this is one area where I think a little effort is well spent. While I often do not hear the significant differences between specific cables or tweaks that others do, the difference in my system between toslink and coax was not subtle and much in favor of coax.
Here is what I've found, from best to worst.

1) AT&T glass optical
2) Toslink plastic optical ($19.99 Recoton from Fry's Electronics)
3) BNC
4) XLR (Madrigal's MDC-1)
5) RCA

Here is what IMHO, that metal cable are saturated for the bandwith are limited. Lots data that transfer through cable especially video and audio signals. That is probably why most new network backbone are fiber optics.
Talk about timely topics. I spent a fair amount of time last weekend searching through Audiogon's archives for information on AT&T ST. There were lots of opinions on whether Toslink, coax, AES/EBU and AT&T ST was the best digital connection. The final concensus seemed to be that AES/EBU is best. That requires one point of clarification: the very few that had any direct experience with AT&T ST thought it was a strong contender, maybe even better than AES/EBU.

To that end I'm interested in giving ST a try. The problem is finding a quality cable. None of the major cable companies seem to support even the more widely used Toslink, much less something as esoteric as ST. There is nothing for sale on Audiogon, either. Can anyone suggest a source?

BTW, this will be used between a CAL Alpha/Delta combo that is currently tied together with an Illumanti D-60. Thanks again!
Fpeel, the reason AT&T ST and Toslink are rare, because they require special facility to produce. Not for the DYI or old school cable companies. On Toslink, say Monter Cable, Audioquest for example, what they do is to OEM the cable and stamp their logo on it. On AES/EBU (XLR) and coax (RCA), some company just bought Belden wire, dress them up, and sell them 300X more ! Anyone can makes them ! I used to own Madrigal MDC-1 AES/EBU (XLR) digital cable and they are what I call "coloring". I am now using AT&T ST glass optical for my CD player, cheap 60 bucks - no coloring, imune to the components, trash-in trash-out, no interfernce problems, and quiet background. Also, my Toslink cable as I mention was bought for $19.99 connect from my DVD to my DAC, not as good as AT&T ST but it is better than $300/meter Madrigal MDC-1 or AudioQuest RCA.
Remember, lots of companies promote/marketing AES/EBU or RCA because they are not able to produce either AT&T ST glass fibers (only a few company in the world can produce this type of cable and none of them are in the audiophile industry even Wadia), nor Toslink.
What I am suprise is BNC cables, it is able to produce the sound almost as good as AT&T, or Toslink. Maybe because of the cable that I am using, not an audiophile product, but very hard to find (aerospace type). Again, not expensive neither compare to audiophile cables.

I am not trying to show-off my system but for your reference, my front-end are:

Wadia 7 transport
Wadia 9 DA
Panasonics DVD-RV31K


BTW. I speak the truth !!!