Sony SACD Owners: Anyone Use a DAC for Redbook?

I recently purchased an XA-777ES, and although the redbook play is "nice", I feel the unit would be unbelievable with a decent DAC added. I got a bit spoiled with my old Cary 306. The Sony performs well, but the Cary was added "sweet air" to many recordings.
My dealer told me that the addition of a DAC to the Sony SCD-1 and 777 models was a fairly common practice.
I'd be very curious to hear opinions of those DAC-ing the Sonys.

Own a 777 and use a Bel Canto DAC 2 along with it. Definitely smooths out glare and opens up the soundstage.
The players make better transports for high quality DACs than they do as Red Book players. I have used a SCD-1 and a 9000es as transports with a Pass Labs D1, and the Sonys could not compare for simple redbook as stand alones. Compared to other transports and CD players I've used as trasports, they've outperformed much more expensive units. Where the Sonys lack quality is the analog output circuitry. This is why there are so many modified units. They have a great foundation, just poor final execution at the final amps. Remember that an upgraded output will benefit your SACD playback as well. A redbook DAC will not. Best Regards.
I would suggest having the player itself modified. You'll save a cable and a lot of other additional circuitry. Sean
I used to own an XA-777ES and used a Chord DAC64 for redbook. The results were outstanding in my opinion.