The most detailed speaker cable??

Hello All,
I would like some help in chosing a new set of very detailed speaker cables. I want something that is I guess on the bright side. I have used so far... AZ satoris,AZ holograms, Nordost red dawns, AQ bedrocks, kimber 4tc just to name a few. So please help in my search based on your experience with speaker cables.
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I have to agree with Rsbeck -- completely. Putting aside the placebo factor, in all truth you'd be hard pressed to find something better that -- drum roll, please -- 14 gauge low voltage lighting cable from Home Depot. Approximately 15 cents a foot. Well-shield, super-well constructed, very pure copper, does the trick. Don't believe me? Roy Allison and the fine folks at McIntosh all have the same thought. Power cables? Give Dusty at CI Audio a call -- he's an extremely thoughtful, honest designer and recommends, drum roll, please, normal computer power cords from Radio Shack.

Yes, a dedicated line is a great idea, and a better outlet is certainly a good idea.

Otherwise -- snob and placebo factor aside -- the money one would invest in expensive cables would make much more of a difference, as Rsbeck has said, in components, especially your amp and speakers.
Grant, I completely agree. And given the variables Harnellt's system (absent the unanswered issue of room treatment), I would again recommend silver speaker cables. I've tried six different cables in my system, and the differences between copper and silver were not even close. As well, the variations in detail and transparency amongst the copper cables were not marginal either. Does this mean that I have the answer to his dilemma? I don't know.

In response to the suggestion that one of the components might be the culprit here, which one would it be?
AR cd3
Pass alpeh P
Pass X-150.5
with AZ silver ref. xlr
Joseph Audio RM22si MK2

His system seems capable of producing the detail he is after, but in my experience the speaker cables listed in his initial post will not translate the same level of detail that silver will. And as far as treating the room, doing so in our house did not enhance the effects of brightness, but rather tamed it instead. Again, just my experience.

Harnellt, let us know what you discover.
Rsbeck, I agree that money is better spent on components, room acoustics, and dedicated A/C, than on cabling. But I also think that cabling makes a big difference in a system. I don't read the hype that you talk about. I just try the cable. But... About a year ago, I needed a cable that was balanced and longer to replace my 0.5 meter Siltec FTM4sg single ended interconnect. I tried 6 interconnects that were on loan. The one that stood out above the rest was the Siltec SQ110 Classic. I bought it. I use this between my preamp and amp. It's biggest asset was lowering the noisefloor in my system. At any rate, here's the hype on this cable. I just pulled out the booklet that came with it. "our shielding effect reduces the noise floor by 40-60db" "total noise is limited by the electronics used (typically 90-130 db)" "the theoretical signal-noise level of our new technology is on the order of 160-180db"-- Is all this true? who knows. I just know that it worked very well in my system. I gained more clarity, microdynamics and musicality compared to my already good interconnect. So you were asking about a cable? In spite of some of the hype, I choose Siltec, for thier unique technology of using gold and silver. And yes, I think that cabling is probably the most overpriced "component" in the audio chain.
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