>>If he can hear more detail with the Nordost<<
This assumes *you* can hear more *detail.*
That's a logical leap worthy of its own Olympic event.
You haven't proven that.
You've just claimed you can --- on the internet.
Your claim, like your claim that you can hear inaudible amounts of
attenuation, is worth the ether it is printed on.
This is a classic "Emperor's New Clothes" test.
Before you can test to see if someone can hear something, you've got to have
proof there is something to hear.
You don't have that.
You want to "blow my mind" with an Analyzer? Then, why don't
you measure the Nordost cables so you have some idea about what you are
Do some investigation for Pete's sake.
You don't know if you are *really* hearing any difference because you've
rigged your own tests, insisting on sighted tests. If you are hearing a
difference, you don't know if you are imagining it because you've done
nothing to eliminate the possibility of the "placebo effect." Do I
believe you are above such influences? Nope. You are human. And, let's not
forget you've already been caught making bogus claims about your hearing
It gets worse, even if you could prove to reliably hear a difference in a
double-blind test, you wouldn't know if you are *really* getting more *detail,*
or whether you are just getting a slight bump in the high frequencies, which
you are interpreting as more detail. Then making a Herculean jump to the
wrong conclusion -- that the audibly flat cables are losing detail.
So, even if you could pass the first threshold, proving you can really hear a
difference, you cannot pass the second, proving that it isn't just "
different" -- it is actually more "detailed."
Anyone with a graphic equalizer can bump the high end and make a system
sound more detailed. Does that mean it is losing signal when the high end
isn't bumped? Come on, use some logic.
You cannot quantify detail.
Don't you realize this?
It is just amazing to me how you can talk about Network Analyzers and such,
and then exhibit such scientific naivete.
I also find it rather ironic that some folks here have railed against trying to
"recruit" -- yet you are the one who keeps trying to get my
address so you can send me stuff.
Finally, by your comments, you don't even believe the Nordost cables CREATE
detail, so it seems to me you should concede that cables cannot create detail
and correct the cable enthusiasts.
Just like you should have conceded from the start that you cannot possibly
hear the difference between flat and .1db down at 20Khz.
That one blew up like a joke shop cigar.
But, you're right about one thing -- this isn't the way to get through to me.
This assumes *you* can hear more *detail.*
That's a logical leap worthy of its own Olympic event.
You haven't proven that.
You've just claimed you can --- on the internet.
Your claim, like your claim that you can hear inaudible amounts of
attenuation, is worth the ether it is printed on.
This is a classic "Emperor's New Clothes" test.
Before you can test to see if someone can hear something, you've got to have
proof there is something to hear.
You don't have that.
You want to "blow my mind" with an Analyzer? Then, why don't
you measure the Nordost cables so you have some idea about what you are
Do some investigation for Pete's sake.
You don't know if you are *really* hearing any difference because you've
rigged your own tests, insisting on sighted tests. If you are hearing a
difference, you don't know if you are imagining it because you've done
nothing to eliminate the possibility of the "placebo effect." Do I
believe you are above such influences? Nope. You are human. And, let's not
forget you've already been caught making bogus claims about your hearing
It gets worse, even if you could prove to reliably hear a difference in a
double-blind test, you wouldn't know if you are *really* getting more *detail,*
or whether you are just getting a slight bump in the high frequencies, which
you are interpreting as more detail. Then making a Herculean jump to the
wrong conclusion -- that the audibly flat cables are losing detail.
So, even if you could pass the first threshold, proving you can really hear a
difference, you cannot pass the second, proving that it isn't just "
different" -- it is actually more "detailed."
Anyone with a graphic equalizer can bump the high end and make a system
sound more detailed. Does that mean it is losing signal when the high end
isn't bumped? Come on, use some logic.
You cannot quantify detail.
Don't you realize this?
It is just amazing to me how you can talk about Network Analyzers and such,
and then exhibit such scientific naivete.
I also find it rather ironic that some folks here have railed against trying to
"recruit" -- yet you are the one who keeps trying to get my
address so you can send me stuff.
Finally, by your comments, you don't even believe the Nordost cables CREATE
detail, so it seems to me you should concede that cables cannot create detail
and correct the cable enthusiasts.
Just like you should have conceded from the start that you cannot possibly
hear the difference between flat and .1db down at 20Khz.
That one blew up like a joke shop cigar.
But, you're right about one thing -- this isn't the way to get through to me.