Which CD's for Imaging/Soundstage?

Which CD would you use to check the imaging and soundstage of the speakers/system.

I found these to be very good examples

Branford Marsalis - Trio Jeepy
Eagles - Hell Freezes Over
Cassandra Wilson - New Moon Daughter
Suzanne Vega - Particularly Tom's Diner
Zakir Hussain, John McLaughlin, Jan Garberak - Making Music
Strunz and Farah - Primal Magic
I have heard Eva Cassidy a few times as it is one of my frieds favourite CD's, however I just could not relate to her style of music. The sound was very good indeed, excellent vocals and great atmosphere.

Another fried has dropped two of the Rolling Stones Hybrid SACD's which I need to check out on my system.

I bet "Blood on the tracks" must be very good, have you heard it?
Zakir Hussein, Making Music: right on! One of the best sounding CDs I own, and great for soundstaging.

Another great one is Mahler's 3rd Symphony, Rattle/Birmingham Symphony Orchestra on EMI label. This one is good for soundstage DEPTH as well as width.
I cannot agree more on the Making Music album, I have had it since last ten years and is never too far away from the player. Track 1 is an absolute gem in terms of what making music is all about, the listener is forced to believe that he is listening the to the instruments talking to each other. All credit to the musicians who have used them so skillfully.
Ryan Adams-Heartbreaker(Try track #5)
Eva Cassidy-Songbird(Track #1)
Ricki Lee Jones-Ricki Lee Jones
Dean Peer - Ucross. It's hard to believe that you can get soundstaging from a single instrument, but this excellent recording really does set up an enveloping sound, with excellent imaging. I first heard it on a pair of Martin Logans, and I bought it immediately. It's my de facto test CD for auditioning new gear.
