What is the worst recorded CD you have?

I have a C,S,N&Y CD "American Dream" that I keep around to use as a reference because it sounds so bad!It is like they recorded it with a bag over the Mic's!
I assume Cdc was referring to Genesis' self-titled cd from the mid 80s, the one with "Mama" on it.

I do not own that cd, but I have heard the original issue on a decent system and second his opinion. It sounds amazingly bad--thin, compressed, ick. I do not know if it was remastered for the recent Genesis reissues and if it sounds any better these days (hopefully Cdc is not referring to a remastered version).
Steely Dan's original CD pressing of Gaucho is like chewing on tinfoil, especially the title cut which is by far the worst sounding track on the whole disc -- positively painful. Funny, but the last few songs sound better than the rest.
Bought a Japanese Young Rascals Greatest Hits cd that's extremely difficult to listen to. What a shame.
Led Zeppelin Reunion live cd. Terrible, terrible , terrible

any RUSH live album from 2002 on. When will they learn that Alex cannot mix. Terrible, compressed to death. I am finding that bands ( like Rush) who are doing the "silent stage" thing ( all direct, no amps or stage monitors) have terrible sounding live albums.