Need long ICs that sound like KCAG

I am moving my system around, and have to look at long (~24 feet) RCA ICs between my pre and power amps (both SS). Up to this point I was using a 1.5m pair of Kimber KCAG, which worked very well in my system. So without straying to far from that character of sound, what can I get in a long length that won't cost me an arm and a leg? In fact, the run is so long that in order to stay at much less than $1000 (my goal in this case) I may have to consider a "budget" cable. So what's out there nowadays that can be competitive with the KCAG, but in a much longer length and not that much more money? I'm willing to look at a used IC if it keeps me in the same sonic category.
If you like the KCAG, you might want to mosey on over to Homegrown audio, buy the bulk wire(very Kimber-like) and build them yourself.
Interesting option, Loonytunz. I had considered building my own, as I am reasonably competent with soldering tools. But I had not known about this source for materials.

What troubles me about the long ICs that I need are two things: will an unshielded design like the KCAG work in a long length, and will the fact that I have to go with RCAs ultimately mean I shouldn't be trying a long IC like this?
Try RS Cables Illumine` silver cables. They're about $130 for a 1m with Eichmann Silver Bullets. I'm in no way connected, just a former satisfied customer. They replaced a pair of KCAG's in my system and it didn't skip a beat.