Hello,Its hard to get your hands around a soup sandwich. Mixing shelves of different thickness and different woods with rubber pucks and points of steel with those of carbon fiber or titanium, brass or lead, sitting on grandmoms girdle between two layers of bubble wrap is not the scientific approach. How can you possibly know which one of these materials is the right one when they are so thrown together? How can you know which of these shapes is the right one when they are so thrown together. There are products out there with a single approach that work for me. However this one single means, has me using all the same theories based on actual physics with the same materials and same ratio's thruout. This single focused approach has made it all so apparent that the science of resonance transfer truly works. Once you hear these devices and how they perform so well and understand how they really work, a light bulb will turn on in your head and you will suddenly say that makes so much sense! Once you start down this one lane road you will be able to predict the nature of improvement for each new point, platform or rack that you add to your system. This approach becomes cumlative in nature and the sonic improvement continues resulting with the same, consistently huge, dynamically focused soundstage. There is no turning back!