Help me pick a digital cable

What is a good digital cable for about $150 USD (max 200).

I am looking for a neutral cable that is very open sounding.

I will need RCA connections and will go between my Parasound (CEC) 2000 belt driven transport and my Wadia DAC.

Also what is people experience with 1m vrs 1.5 meter lengths. I read the article written by Steve at Empirical audio. Has anyone compared 1m to 1.5?

Try a Canare digital coaxial cable from Markertek. They are inexpensive, very well made, and sound as good as anything that I have heard.
Apogee Wyde Eye is the best low-price cable I know. I had one for a long time. I've just moved up to the Ven Haus cryo'd Pulsar and it is terrrrrrific. Smoooth, with detail detail detail, no edge. It takes a long time to break in but the upside, as you leave it burning in 24 hours in 24, is that you come home to a noticeably better cable every single day for about 3 weeks. No kidding. And it doesn't even sound bad out of the box!

Just make sure, whatever digital cable you buy, that it is at least 1.5 meters long.
I dont know enough to comment on a brand, but I do know that a solid cable -vs- a braided one just sounds better
I am going to look into the Stereovox HDXV more. It seems like just the thing.

Has anyone experimented with the 1m vrs 1.5m lengths.
Steve's logic makes sense with the sampling rates.
But the logic of the less cable the better also makes sense.
Can anyone shed some light here.
Here is the article:

Ok, I just gotsta know. Have any of you tried to tell one digital cable from any other in an honest blind test?

Maybe I'm deaf or my cd side stinks, but I can hear big differences in ic's and speaker cables but can hear none at all with digital cables.