What country still has music?

I'm shocked to see all 20 hits countdown with hiphop. Is it the same in UK? Brazil? Argentina? France?
Is there any country left on earth with music?
Ok, sorry if that sounded harsh, you know I love you guys. It's just that it does just sound like "Oh those crazy kids and their rock music..." I mean...exactly like that. Hasn't that been said by every older generation about the youths music regardless of era or genre? Me thinks yes. Now, I don't particularly enjoy most of the top 20 stuff these days but I really never have. I also don't really enjoy a lot of the music discussed here, not all of course but much. It irks me a little to criticize others artistic interests so I try and shy away from it.
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"R U surprised that we now live in a world of less than mediocrity.."

The world on average is mediocre pretty much by definition.

Luckily, there are still plenty of exceptions to keep things moving forward.

Learn to ignore the mass media and much of what politicians and corporations say for mass consumption and find your own sources of whatever turns you on. That's the key.