The only difference between copper and silver is that silver has slightly less
resistance. So, all you have to do is use lower gauged copper and you will get
the same effect as using silver. Since silver has slightly less resistance, it is
possible people substitute the same gauge silver for their copper cables, hear
the music slightly louder in comparison and they think they are getting more
detail when in fact they are only getting slightly higher volume. In tests,
people will experience slightly higher volume as more detail and that's why
this is also the oldest trick in audio sales. The salesman A/B's two pieces of
gear, bumps the volume ever so slightly for the higher priced piece while
you're not looking and -- voila -- you hear more detail and he racks up
another sale.
The rest of the stuff people say about silver is unsupported.
Which means you can believe or not -- your choice.
I believe the idea that silver would impart a sonic signature is a holdover from
the world of musical instruments. Nickle or steel strings sound different from
bronze, a silver trumpet sounds different from brass, etc. But, these
instruments make sounds by vibrating -- that's different than carrying signal.
In blind listening tests when levels are matched, people cannot hear any
difference between silver and copper and aside from the difference in
resistance, no one has come up with a reason why they should.
Again -- your choice to believe or not.
resistance. So, all you have to do is use lower gauged copper and you will get
the same effect as using silver. Since silver has slightly less resistance, it is
possible people substitute the same gauge silver for their copper cables, hear
the music slightly louder in comparison and they think they are getting more
detail when in fact they are only getting slightly higher volume. In tests,
people will experience slightly higher volume as more detail and that's why
this is also the oldest trick in audio sales. The salesman A/B's two pieces of
gear, bumps the volume ever so slightly for the higher priced piece while
you're not looking and -- voila -- you hear more detail and he racks up
another sale.
The rest of the stuff people say about silver is unsupported.
Which means you can believe or not -- your choice.
I believe the idea that silver would impart a sonic signature is a holdover from
the world of musical instruments. Nickle or steel strings sound different from
bronze, a silver trumpet sounds different from brass, etc. But, these
instruments make sounds by vibrating -- that's different than carrying signal.
In blind listening tests when levels are matched, people cannot hear any
difference between silver and copper and aside from the difference in
resistance, no one has come up with a reason why they should.
Again -- your choice to believe or not.