I think it is interesting that you would claim to already know my experience,
since you claim I come from a third party perspective, and yet you go on to
ask me to spell it out for you.
That would make you a sort of Kreskin with Alzheimers or something.
Let's examine your experience.
You claim silver sounds "tizzy."
That's interesting.
That would mean a lot of people are paying a lot of money for "
tizzy" sounding cables.
What, in your belief, would cause a silver cable to sound "tizzy?"
Did you a/b copper against silver?
What safeguards did you employ?
Did you a/b copper and silver in the same configuration? Employ precise
level matching? Did you try a lower gauge of copper and a/b it against the
silver to see if you were simply experiencing lowered or different resistance?
Did you do your listening tests double-blind?
What did you do to eliminate the possibility of the placebo effect?