Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables

I want to know if silver cables are really better than cooper.
Up to the moment I use Audioquest Volcano biwire cooper cables but many people recomend move to silver for my Tannoy Speakers.
Pure silver or hibrid cooper silver ?
AQ silver cables are very expensive, but I can saw that there are many silver cables at very affordable price like Silver Audio or Analysis Plus.
Please let your opinions and recomendations.
The design itself is infinitely more important than the composition in 99% of signal and/or power cables IMO.
Rsbeck, you are from a third person's perspective.

Would you please share with us your own experiences between silver and copper and their sonic differences?

This would really be helpful to get a better perspective of where you're coming from.

I think it is interesting that you would claim to already know my experience,
since you claim I come from a third party perspective, and yet you go on to
ask me to spell it out for you.

That would make you a sort of Kreskin with Alzheimers or something.

Let's examine your experience.

You claim silver sounds "tizzy."

That's interesting.

That would mean a lot of people are paying a lot of money for "
tizzy" sounding cables.

What, in your belief, would cause a silver cable to sound "tizzy?"

Did you a/b copper against silver?

What safeguards did you employ?

Did you a/b copper and silver in the same configuration? Employ precise
level matching? Did you try a lower gauge of copper and a/b it against the
silver to see if you were simply experiencing lowered or different resistance?
Did you do your listening tests double-blind?

What did you do to eliminate the possibility of the placebo effect?

It all depends on the cable.

Both silver or copper can be lousy or great it depends on who made them and what system they are in period.
After having read through and/or participated in a number of cable threads, I've come to the conclusion that the moderator should retitle them all as "how should I do my hair?" Because no one can tell you definitively, and invariably the respondents will lapse into a go-nowhere battle over the merits of beehives vs. baldness.

Try out different cables, and you'll find your answer. The process won't work any other way.