Silver vs. Cooper speakers cables

I want to know if silver cables are really better than cooper.
Up to the moment I use Audioquest Volcano biwire cooper cables but many people recomend move to silver for my Tannoy Speakers.
Pure silver or hibrid cooper silver ?
AQ silver cables are very expensive, but I can saw that there are many silver cables at very affordable price like Silver Audio or Analysis Plus.
Please let your opinions and recomendations.
This thread went from nearly belligerent to hilarious - very nice! Nrchy, great wit with the blockhead comment, and wisely directed at a bright gentleman.

Ironic that this thread should pop up now; this morning I sat down to listen to my newly-Platinumized RLD-1 from Steve McCormack. I heard what I assume must be "digital glare," so I played with speaker positioning and then for grins swapped out my Silver Audio Jetstream IC for an old QED Qnex2. The "glare" went away but I lost some detail. I'm using nOrh speakers which use Vifa drivers, though, which I suspect are dry and analytical.

I'm beginning to think I need to give up some detail for "fullness" in my system. :( I have to agree with the above posts; cables are like women - they're very reactive with what you connect them to!

So now I'm sitting here researching old cable threads to find a cable that is warm and full without sacrificing too much detail that is in my price range. :(
I'll admit I use to use silver cables. Upon reaching the age of 40 I was overcome by vanity (yes it's true) so I bought a new Corvette, joined a health club, and switched to copper cables. I don't recommend this for every man but it's turned me into a chick magnet.
You know, if you look carefully, this thread asks us to compare silver versus "cooper." So, in the interest of accuracy, I a/b'd a silver cable, which sounded good, but a little bright against cooper. While blindfolded, I asked an assitant to connect a friend of mine named Cooper between my amplifier and speakers. With a live human being as my cable, I felt I gave up a lot of detail and soundstage shrunk to nothing. Still, I liked Cooper better. Go figure.
OK I will provide the answer. Buy one pair of cooper and one pair of silver ICs. Place one of the silver ICs on the CDP to the preamp (right side only) and use one cooper IC on the left side. Then change the pattern from the preamp to the amp. It has been a long time secret that I have never let on until now. So, now you all know it! But, please don't tell anyone else. BTW, the hair thing was just a little joke OK?

Happy Listening.