What country still has music?

I'm shocked to see all 20 hits countdown with hiphop. Is it the same in UK? Brazil? Argentina? France?
Is there any country left on earth with music?
Beyonce? Superbowl? Utterly forgettable events.

If you want good, current music, you have to work a bit to find it, but it's out there. The most talented and creative artists are NOT going to be front and center on prime time. This is the zeitgiest of the 21st century.

As one example, if I had only my Pete Townshend and Who recordings from now until the end, I would die a happy man. Pete has more musical talent in his little toe than all the Britknees, Lohanables, Beyoncas and Aguilerianas combined.
Stevecham, thanks for telling it like it really is.

I'm not an old fart by a long shot, it's just some of this stuff is pure garbage.
Actually, it's all garbage. Gotta seriously disagree with you on this one, Mapman. Early rock was melodic. Imo, if not for the long hair, the older generations would have embraced it. Fact is, the majority did later on join the crowd. Those who say they like rap as well as those who say they like current original music seem to be constantly reconciling it's so-called attributes. The vast majority being young people exploited by big business cashing in on typical growing pains. Remember back in the seventies when the beginning of the end was starting to be forecast? Music is actually finite. At least anything worthwhile. Been there, done that.
Stevecham, well and truly said.
However , the fact remains that Mr.Townshend hath not 1/1000 the talent of J.S. Bach.
Schubert, Csontos, Stevecham, we could be neighbors and co-exist intellectually!