Has anyone auditioned/owned Shanling T200 SACD

I generally don't think of China as a hotbed of quality audio products, however, this looks interesting: Shanling T200 SACD. I think it looks awesome. any comments on how it sounds? also, how much?

thanks, Paul
Hello Paul,
Nobody outside of Shanling really has a clue what the SCD-T200 sounds like. They are in the early stages of production at this point. The pictures are of one of the prototype models.
I have heard that it is going to be produced to same, if not higher, quality as the CD-T100.
The unit will not have HDCD or up-sampling though.
Details are fairly limited at this point. All the information I have was placed into the ad.
The T100 is awesome and I hope they can pull off the same with the SACD player.
I believe Music Hall is the importer for the USA and they may be able to give you more information on US pricing and availability.

Derek Stewart
Vancouver, BC, Canada
It looks like it will be awhile before we all know more about this player. I thought perhaps it was already on the market. thank you Rgd and Derek for your responses.
If this was the Music Hall demo CDP at HiFi 2002 then I thought it was okay. Music Hall was playing vinyl so hard to judge but I will cautiously say Meridian and Cary are in another league when it comes to resolution.