Isolation transformers on CDP to reduce glare?

Any experience with isolation transformers which can go after the CDP which can improve sonics -- particularly glare? thanks
I have no experience with islolation transformers, but do own Inouye line conditioners and Quantum Electroclear filters. For $40, the Quantum will do exactly what you describe, and do it quite well, even if you are using a good line conditioner.
yes, absolutely- lower noise floor, less 'glare'- Ensemble Isolink- I use two- one on transport, one on dac- would not be without them now...
I'd rather stick with Craig. I haven't heard an isolation transformer so far, at least used in the configuration as suggested above, which did not subtly reduce resolution across the entire musical spectrum.
RSVP if you want info on better DIY PCs to try. I also found that a proper iso/absorb shelf (Neuance is my favorite) to reduce perceived glare by tightening coherence.
Certainly experimenting with different ICs will help you tailor the top octaves response to your liking. But first things first: start with a good PC and a Neuance. If you're still stuck get a CDP with less digititis. Seriously....