CD players with volume control ?????

I'm considering a Wadia 830 used to add to my 2 channel system. My only source is CD. I have a Krell KAV 250a with a NAD c160 pre-amp, and an old Phillips CD player hooked up to B&W N805s. I want to eliminate my pre-amp and upgrade my CD, I'm thinking that the Wadia is the way to do it, any thoughts? Are there any other CD players with volume control that allow you to eliminate the pre-amp?

Accuphase CDP starting from DP65v onwards. Opera Reference CD 2.2 US version, all have digital remote volume.
Check also the Granite Tube 657 CDP. I run mine direct to a Spectron amp with good results.
The ones with analog volume control sound better to me than those using digital volume
My personal preference is the Resolution Audio Opus 21
All the Sony ES CDPs I have had have volume control. Make sure you have enough amp gain though before buying a CDP. Most CDPs can't output more than 2V.