used high-end DAC or affordable newer model?

I have an old adcom 575 cd player that i will be using as a transport and i was wondering if it would be better to do with a newer dac like the MSB link III or Channel Islands VDA-1- or should i go used high-end such as the EAD dsp 9000 pro now on ebay- it seems that the older high end dac's can be had for the same money as the newer affordable models but what are the sonic differences?
I tried both approaches and ended up with a used Muse Model 296. They now sell for under $1400 and though their technology is behind the new Muse 192, they were so far ahead when they came out that they still haveup-sampling and other newer features AND a wonderful analogue section. I switched to this from a BelCanto 1.1 and it sounds so much better. It is equally smooth, has better tonal balance and a real sense of palpability. I think HelloSimply Music is selling one on the 'gon currently (I bought mine from them).

As for the LinkDAC III, I have heard it and don't think it is in the same class at all even with all the options.
As, maybe even more important, is your transport. No matter which DAC, it will only be as good as the laser /transport reading/sending signal. Consider soomething like a CEC belt-drive transport/cd player. Later add a hot dac then you've have a world-class digital front end. Northstar has really nice sounding dac that is capable of 24/192 playback.
Thanks for your responses. Interestingly, when i called Tor at Conrad Johnson (I own a CAV-50) and asked him this same question, he said forget about DAC's and go for a new DVD universal player such as the Marantz that sells for $1600 or even the Pioneer elite for $750- but do they really do as good a job with music as CD players or DAC's? feel free to respond.
One more thing, i'm having trouble finding any info on the EAD DSP 9000 pro HDCD(there's one on ebay)- I've found alot about the MKIII
version, but it seems an altogether different animal- anyone know about this unit or how old it is- Thanks.