Ive got me the Digital Nasties

Not counting buying a turntable or going SACD, what tips , tweaks or products have you had success with , that lessens the harshness of the cd format? Thanks!
Hifirush, hope you're not using the Blu-Tack anywhere near heat. Mine turned to blue goo, still trying to get rid of it.
Audio Alchemy DTI 2.0 or higher coupled with a Micromega dac. MIT 330 or PC squared or Harmonic Tech cables.
I'll chime in with my story too. First I had my CDP modified w/Blackgates & Schottkys & after many PC's settled on a TG Audio 688. Also using Luminous Audio Synchestra Sigs (XLR) and Herbie's footers. Sounds excellent to me & anybody else who's had a listen.

Also have dedicated lines & Porter ports, so hopefully everything connected with the CDP is just allowing the signal to get through w/o additions/restrictions. Of course that's not really possible but if you surround your CDP with the best ancillary equipment (for your ears) then you should be able to extract what your CDP is capable of. If it's still harsh, try another CDP. Oh, mine is a Meridian 508.20. Not the most expensive nor the least but able to do a fine job with the right combination of gear.
Many good suggestions above. In the quest for better digital sound, I've gone to an aftermarket cord (without spending huge $$$), damped the chassis of the player extensively with industrial floor tile, addressed support and isolation, and used high quality power conditioning.

Something that gets little mention and is probably grossly underestimated and receives little recognition (probably because of its low cost) is the Quantum Electroclear line filter, available for $40. For $40, this is probably the bang for the buck champion in eliminating/reducing the edge from digital.
All Good thoughts. Im going to digest them all, but my first experiment is to make sure all powercords have as little as possible contact with the Interconnects. I have had different results placing my equipment in different places of my rack. not only with harshness , but also with dynamics etc. At first I thought it was my pre too close to my amp. But maybe its the way my interconnects and power cords are intersecting . Im running a Technics DVDA-10 as a transport into an Integra Research RDC-7, on to a Classe 301 amp then into Legacy Signature III speakers . I have a VD nite on the Integra , dedicated lines and a Tice powerblock HP C. I had it all "sweet" before, except a 3 meter pair of balanced interconnects was picking up a hum {drapped behind my rear projection Televison} Now I have a 1 meter pair of Stealth PGS as I have moved the Classe back over to the other side closer to the pre. Im going to go to another set up putting the pre all the way at the top so all Pc's in my system will not touch any interconnects. But I certainly will take all suggestions into account. keep coming with the idea's . thanks !