ART DIO Modded or Job DA48 ??

Dear all which one of the two above would u advise me ??
The Job 48 can be found at and for whom is not aware of it, Job is a Goldmund group company.
Job DA 48 seems a well reputed product with high tech involved but no idea how it could compare with an ART DIO modded.

Prices are similar
Tks to anyone that could be of help.
No chance to audition them for me, sorry.
Any clue will be highly appreciated
They're both trash. Buy a decent one-box unit and be done with it. The Sony CDR-W66 is my recommendation, albeit an unpopular one. If you insist on a separate DAC, go with the best Apogee your budget will allow.
WOW Gthrush 1 ! A bit extreme, isn't ??
In fact I already have a CD player and just want to upgrade the actual DAC.
Surprise me that in your opinion ART is trash. Is that base on audition or just because looking at its components or datas it does not seem a good deal for you ?
Tks for your reply
Brian received the BEST SOUND AT CES award this year. Brian was using the Bolder Cable sMart DIO (ART DI/O modifed by Wayne) as the DAC.

But, to give due credit to Gthrush1, the Sony CDR-W66 was one of the 35 AES 2000 Par Excellence Winners.

I am having an ART DIO modded right now.
If you are looking for a lowcost solution for an old CDP the Art DIO is the best deal.If you want better it will cost you.

If it was the best sound at the show I cannot see how so many people would be fooled.

I am having mine modded also.Modding is the best bang for the buck in Audio.If you want better sound you will pay much more.

My speaker's,amp,Passive Pre and DAC will be all modded.The only other way to cut cost is the used market,but you have to be very selective.

Good luck!
Regarding Wayne's products at Bolder cable, I have his power supply with Bybees that I cryo'd and put on a stock DI/O....amazing difference!! I'm going to get the mod done later.