Tweaks; do they work?

I see all this stuff on the market; spary for CDs, green pens, CD mats, connector enhancer/cleaner, etc.... Does any of this stuff actually lead to a sound improvement, or is it just "monkeyshine"? Please report what has worked for you. Thanks!
I've always felt that tweaks are in the ear of the beholder. Except of course for the ones that I've indulged in. :o)
I am sure he meant sparay, not spary. spa-ray is a CD remote control option that turns off your jacuzzi when your CD platter is spinning.
Ok, sprayed is the past tense of spray. One would spray the Endust on the mat, if so inclined. Happy Listening! John
This snake-oil stuff is VERY emptying your wallet. "A fool and his money are quickly parted." Damn, I'd pay someone $1000 to explain that one to me...
The following have worked for me.

Walker Audio Vivid, bettered Auric Illuminator (greater resolution and more energetic sound)

Walker Audio High Definition Links Mk II (lowered distortion, quieter background, improved resolution)

Ganymede VCS Roller Bearings (improved resolution and imaging)

Audiopoint Cones (improved imaging)

Marigo Tuning Dots and Tuning Bands (greater detail,dynamics, and improved imaging)