Burnin CDs? Sound loss/degration question

General concensus when copying digital material is that there is no loss of sound quality...however...when I burn Cdrs on my pc...from other Cds...not mp3s...they sound compressed and dull...my fried has a professional TASCAM cd burner...and the results are about the same...any thoughts?
I echo the comments on the Marantz unit. I have the 6060 model and burned Patrica Barber's Modern Cool to test copy quality and no difference to my ears or friend's ears. I have very revealing system that would detect differences.
Thanks, Jond. I'll try both and report any differences that I'm able to hear. What else is an audio nut to do?
Tweekerman, maybe that might be the case with orchestra's but until record companies stop gauging us with their compact disc prices I will support congress and their passage of the home recording act during the 1970's and burn baby burn.