Has anyone heard of this "Black Box"

Hello Audiogoners,I was wondering if anyone in the forum has heard of a"Black Box" called the ADE-24 by Julian Margules? It is used between the cd players analog outs and the receiver and is supposed to make for a smoother more refined analog like sound.Hopefully someone out there has one and can describe how it works and how they like it. Any info I can get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
I picked up information on the web and went to Margulesaudio.com and read about the unit, but would like to know more, hopefully from someone who has owned or heard the unit.From what I gather,it can be bought for around $250.00 and is said to have excellent sound for the money.I was hoping to get first hand feedback at this forum.
Yes, the magazine Audiophile Voice reviewed it and liked it. Back issues are available at audiophilevoice.com.
Audioheaven.com is a dealer and has them in stock for 190 including shipping. He is sending me one to try out.
Outstanding!!! If you would Ljgj,keep me(us) posted here and tell the forum about what this unit sounds like.I am personally excited about this because this might be the unit I would be interested in for my system. Thanks again