Has anyone heard of this "Black Box"

Hello Audiogoners,I was wondering if anyone in the forum has heard of a"Black Box" called the ADE-24 by Julian Margules? It is used between the cd players analog outs and the receiver and is supposed to make for a smoother more refined analog like sound.Hopefully someone out there has one and can describe how it works and how they like it. Any info I can get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Yes, the magazine Audiophile Voice reviewed it and liked it. Back issues are available at audiophilevoice.com.
Audioheaven.com is a dealer and has them in stock for 190 including shipping. He is sending me one to try out.
Outstanding!!! If you would Ljgj,keep me(us) posted here and tell the forum about what this unit sounds like.I am personally excited about this because this might be the unit I would be interested in for my system. Thanks again
I just received the unit and hooked it up through the processor loop to do A/B comparisons. I am using four CD units - 3 are coming through a Chord Dac 64 as transports - they are - the Electrocompaniet - (a Pioneer Mega changer and a Mcintosh 7008 6 disc changer through the 64 via a GW Labs jitter device). I also have a tube Shanling unit not coming through the 64. This setup will give me an idea if it is worthwhile having with any or all units. I will post more as I listen. My first impression is I kind of like it - not saying yet that it is really better if that makes sense. My preamp is the Mcintosh C2200 tube unit - the amp is a Mcintosh 352. The speakers hooked up now are the Martin Logan Odysseys. I will also try it with my Legacy Focus 20/20 and VMPS RM 40's.