What's under YOUR CD player?

Will I really improve the sound from my Ikemi CD player by putting something under it, other than the walnut shelf it sits on inside my antique hutch stereo cabinet?

Will upgrading the power cord to a PS minilab cable help also?

Or, should I just play the music?

(it's fun though, isn't it!)
How about aluminum honeycomb composite panels??????
enter part number 8458K31

Also available in ABS and polypropylene.

Maybe this could work under speakers too.
I just ordered from Mapleshade, 15X18X4 custom mapleshade PLatform with Heavyhat Vibe Killers Triplepoint Set and Surefoot Triplepoint Cones. Go to the Mapleshade web site and read the reviews.

I use Aurio 1.2s under my GamuT CD1R with 1/4 inch maple
board between CDP and Aurio to dampen metal to metal resonance which works well for me. I also use the JPS Labs
Digital AC PC which isolates the digital and filters out digital grunge.
I took Brent's recommendations from Star Sound Technologies and purchased Audiopoints to put under my Arcam FMJ23T cd player and under my Essence amp. They took my system to a new level. I'm now a believer!