What CDP or DAC would you buy with $1,000?


I'm interested to see what some of the favorite sub $1K (on the used market) one box CDP and DACs are. I am more interested in external DACs but if anyone has found a CDP superior to the best DACs (used with a good transport) in this range I would be interested in that as well, and would also really appreciate a short review on your favorite regarding its sound, along with associated equiptment. Thanks much and happy new year!
Krell Studio.

You can often times find this $3900 processor on the used market for around $1000. Even Krell states that there was only a SLIGHT difference between it and their $14,000 Ref. 64.

I compared it to the original maga buck Levinson and could hear no difference, and that was in a $200,000 system.

Thank you for the feedback, fellas. I just picked up a Musical Fidelity A3 24 Dac that I'm going to give a weeks run-in before review, and also have a MSB Nelson Dac and will have a Bel Canto Dac2 soon to shootout. I'll be on the lookout for the Krell Studio, the Muse and Classe to compare the winner of this round with.
The Musical Fidelity was the clear victor in my system, to my tastes, with my music. With a Theta dedicated transport it had more air, more topend extension and was more open then anything I've ever heard, it was stunning in those regards. The midrange was superb, comparable to tube-based CDP's I've heard, very smooth, engaging and musical. Only real complaint was the bottom end, although very detailed it was light (much like the A3 amp) and ever so slightly rolled, other complaint being that it needed (an absolute need) a good transport. Hook the A3 24 to a cheap cdp (jolida), DVD player or changer and it sounded from pretty horrible to no different then the player feeding it. I ultimately sold the A3 24 for a Marantz SA-14, which is more different then better/worse on cd, though I ultimately traded a a stunning topend and air for more warmth, uncanny musicality and naturalness. I've become a huge SACD fan so the Marantz was an easy choice on that front as well.

I've gone through a Philips 963sa, SACD1000, Jolida JD-100 and one other player that escapes me at the moment recently, the A3 24 and SA-14 are beyond any of them, so much so a deaf person could almost tell the difference. I'll write a longer, more thorough review from my notes on all of these dacs and players relative to the other when I have more time, if anyone is interested.