I am looking for a smoothest sounding outboard DAC

What is the smoothest sounding dac?
Anyone? Must be outboard dac only!

Thank you Gurus!
What is your price range and what are you trying to accomplish. Each DAC mentioned is very good, they all do different things for the price. The audimeca at used prices is great, so are the audio notes, Bel Canto and Dodson.

If you need a good deal I know wome very good dealers who carry the various lines mentioned. I am not a dealer.
Add my voice to those recommending the Dodson DA-217MkII-D. As I described on another thread, I bought one here on AudiogoN to upgrade the sound of my Denon DCD-1650AR. I was happy with the Denon as a transport, but I wanted to improve the resolution and the sample rate. I initially planned to get a Bel Canto DAC2, but I wasn't happy with the physical layout. I am a retired electronic engineer, and when I read about the Dodson, and the design techniques that Ralph Dodson (another retired electronic engineer) used, I decided that this was the DAC for me.

Adding the Dodson, via a Harmonic Tech Magic Digital One RCA cable (which I also bought here on AudiogoN), made quite a difference. The sound became much more focused and transparent, while at the same time smoother. The sound stage expanded, and the localization of individual instrumental voices in the orchestra became much more precise and consistent. There was also a notable increase in the dynamic range.

I had some questions about the unit after I bought it, and I called Ralph several times. He was always gracious and helpful.

As an outboard DAC solution, the Dodson DA-217MkII-D worked well for me. I recommend it highly.

Good luck!
The Chord is very nice, but overpriced. I would take the Musical Fidelity A3 24 Dac over the Chord64, and at 1/3 the price but sounding just as good overall it is an easy choice!
I tried a friend's A3 and it was good but didn't sound any different from my EC player 24/96 unit. It does cost less though and Sounded good but can't hold it with the Chord. IMO.
I heard a complete Audio Note System at Audio Limits.
Wow!!! it is unbelievable.. The Audio Note ANE SEC Silver Sigs along with Audio Note's M8 Preamp ,Kegon Monoblocks and the 4.1x Balanced is the ultimate. Even the Sogon Cable's are incredible..
I am selling my complete System to try and recreate what they have.. after visiting them I am a True believer in Audio Note. absolute worlds best..